Our Management has decided on Thursday 6th of February 2020 that all PNGCIR Regulated Fees will now be paid into PNGCIR Operations Account. All PNGCIR Provincial and District Fixed Offices throughout the country were advised to accept bank receipt from our clients. We advise the general public to pay all Regulated Fees into the PNGCIR Operations Account specified below:
Account Name: PNG Civil and Identity Registry
Bank Name: Bank South Pacific
Account Number: 7016445764
To make payments easier and more convenient to our clients, management will install EFTPOS Machine in all Fixed Civil Registration Offices country-wide. NCD Fixed Office-Moale Haus and NID Haus-Headquarter are already fitted with an EFTPOS. We would like to inform the General Public of the New Service we undertake to make sure we do away by standing in long queues to pay for Urgent Registration Fees or to pay any Fees chargeable by PNGCIR at Finance Office. Now you can go to BSP bank and pay direct or go to our fixed offices and pay the Fees using EFTPOS Machines provided at the counter.
NID Registration is 100% FREE.
NO Fees are charged on NID Registration by PNG Civil Registry. There are other Fees Regulated under the Act which PNG Civil Registry charges. These Fees are charged under certain criteria were the client Must pay and that PNG Civil Registry 2015 Act Regulates it.
For Examples:
– Fast Processing Fees
– Amendment Fees
– Marriage Fees
These Fees are 2015 Regulated Fees that the General Public Pay at Vulipindi Haus for the last 5 years. To make payments convenient, we installed EFTPOS Machines at our Moale and NID Haus Office for the public to pay these same fees instead of going up to Vulipindi Haus.