Yangoru District NID Roll-Out Completed
Yangoru District NID Roll-out Completed
The PNG Civil and Identity Registry (PNGNID) is thrilled to announce its first ever milestone completion of NID Roll-out in Yangoru district of East Sepik Province.
This was formally made known to Papua New Guinean last week Tuesday,9th of November 2021 by the means of press conference held at Moale Haus – the Civil Registry office.
The NID Roll-out program in Yangoru District have launched on the 18th of June, 2019 and reaching completion with in virtually 2 years.
A total of 46,363 people were registered in the District who are 18 years and older as per to the NID registered system. However, the common roll registration with its inaccurate figure stands at 5000 less which is 41,758 that systematically needs to be updated with the NID information so that we have an accurate common roll come the 2022 National Elections.
Such results cannot be triggered but upon diligent effort done with in limited timeframe elevated from a push factor that PNGCIR appreciate significantly, the end-less support we have received from none other than the district Member himself, Hon. Richard Maru, BTeach,MBA,OBE,MP who was the driver towards NID roll-out completion.
Thoroughly under Mr Maru’s intelligent leadership in his district, Yangoru Saussia DDA being as the Push Factor with its FULL-TIME 24 hour vehicle, fuel, allowances, and office space have successfully drove the roll-out to the completion to stage , just at a single blink of eyes rather taking ages after ages to reach this benchmark.
Thus, PNGCIR under the leadership of Registrar General, Noel Mobiha applauds and highly appreciate Mr Maru and his team for the barely support and kind to accomplish this targeted milestone.